Data Model

Business Rules:
-        For each referral source: a unique referral source ID, the referral source/business name, the referral source/business location (zip code) and the referral source/business phone number.

-        Once the referral is made, there is a decision that happens that is demonstrated by the diamond.

-        For each client: a unique client ID, the client’s full name (composed of the first name and last name), the client’s gender, and the client’s age.

-        Once a client has entered into the program which was another decision, the client is then linked with a recovery specialist.

-        For each recovery specialist: a unique recovery specialist ID, the recovery specialist’s full name (composed of the name and last name), the recovery specialist’s phone number, and the recovery specialist’s email address.

-        The recovery specialist then creates a treatment with the client. This is also a decision action step demonstrated by a diamond.

-        For each treatment plan: a unique treatment plan ID, treatment plan type, and treatment plan length of time.

-        Each client has one referral source. Each referral source can refer one or many clients.

-        Each client is assigned to one recovery specialist. Each recovery specialist can have one or many clients.

-        Each client has one treatment plan. Each treatment plan belongs to only one client.


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